ohhh my teacher is so funnehhhh!!
I was sitting on Sanj's table ( on her DAVID ARCHULETA'S face)
Then, Sanj was sitting on her chair..
I saw a bee behind her but I didn't tell her..
I told her after the bee flew awayyy but it came back right after I told her
So, both of us run like mad donkeys HAHA
Pn. Noridah was so funnyyy
PN. NORIDAH : EHH!! Kenapa nii Sanjana?? Balik tempat.. Kamu ni lari ni kenapa??
Me and Sanj: Cikgu!! Ada bee LAHHH!!
PN.NORIDAH : Ini ujian prestasi saja.. Tak apa lah dapat `B'..
mE and Sanj :Bukan B LA bee laaaaaa....
Then the whole class laugh like mad!! XD
We were talking like there's no tomorrow in the class..
Especially when the Key's Family was talking and laughing like mad!!
Pei Yin, Dhania, Sanjana and Me sang the school song n the national anthem when we got bored..
Later, we change to nursery rhythms haha XD
OHHH!! Tomorrow is Hari Koku which means we don't have to study at all!!
I can't wait to have funnn!!!